Corporations, local business and individuals all team up through discounts, donations and volunteers to make a new house affordable for a family in need.  We thank our sponsors for their generous contributions.

In Memoriam

In loving memory of Guy Ross, Jr., and in honor of Pat Ross, both long-time supporters of Habitat for Humanity in Mitchell County, a generous donation was made by their sons, Steven Ross and Dr. Alan Gleen Ross.  Mitchell-Yancey Habitat for Humanity is grateful for their heartfelt donation that will continue Guy and Pat’s legacy of good work in the community

A Special Thank You

Thank you to Chuck and Carole Aldridge of the Aldridge Eye Institute for their donation of land in Burnsville.  Land is vital to our work and the Aldridge's donation is greatly appreciated.

We are proud to partner with:

563 Oak Avenue
Spruce Pine, NC 28777
(828) 766-9000